Scope and Purpose
- The Inquiry will examine, consider and report on the events of 24 November 2021 when at least 27 people died attempting to cross the Channel in a small boat.
- The Chair is to conduct an investigation into these events in order to:
- Ascertain who the deceased were and when, where and in what circumstances they came by their deaths.
- Consider what further lessons can be learned from the events of 24 November 2021 and, if appropriate, make recommendations to reduce the risk of a similar event occurring.
- The procedure and conduct of the Inquiry will be directed by the Chair.
- In conducting this inquiry, the Chair will consider the investigation already carried out by the Marine Accident Investigation Branch into the incident.
- The Chair will report to the Secretary of State for Transport as soon as is practicable, taking into account any ongoing or future legal proceedings. The Secretary of State for Transport will be responsible for publishing the report.